How To Make The Most Out Of A Small Garden


Your garden should be your outdoor sanctuary, providing a place to connect with nature and hang out in the warm summer evenings.  If you have a small garden, then you might think you cannot have this, but that is where you would be wrong. Owning a small garden doesn’t mean you can’t have a beautiful outdoor space – it just takes a little more thought. Here is how to make the most out of every inch of your small garden.

Grow Your Own Food

No matter how small of a space you have, if you have any outdoor space at all, you should consider growing your food. Not only will it make you more self-sufficient, but you will also save money. Plus, you can brag to your friends that you grew the ingredients yourself when they are over for dinner! Visit Health Force for quality seeds to grow fresh foods like herbs, broccoli, and celery.

Grow Tall Plants

When the space is small, you don’t have the option to grow too far sideways, so grow upwards instead. Make use of the wall space and plant plants that grow big and tall, like hollyhock and oriental lilies. It’ll look like your own little green haven once they’ve reached full size!

Wall Lights

Another way to make the most out of the wall space rather than floor space is to put lights on the walls. This way, you can light up the garden without compromising the room you need for furniture and flower beds.

Add a Bird Feeder

In a small garden, you might dream of one day owning a space that is big enough to attract lots of nature. With a bird feeder, no matter how little your garden is, the birds will come to you. Place it in your garden and watch each day for the birds that come to enjoy the treats you’ve provided. While your space might be small, it’ll feel like a wonderful piece of nature with wildlife visiting frequently.

Use Plant Pots

If you want more plants, but you don’t have the space to start digging up more flower beds, then make use of pots! You can squeeze them into even the tightest corners, and you can plant more than one plant in them if they are big enough.

You could even build shelves onto a fence or wall and place plant pots in those. With a small garden, it’s all about making the most out of height.

Choose Furniture Wisely

While you might want to accommodate for having lots of friends over in the summer, you don’t want the furniture to prevent you from walking around your space. Instead, choose compact furniture that slots nicely into your space. You could even go for garden furniture that folds up, so it only takes up space when it needs to.

When you’ve been kept inside all day, there is nothing better than heading out into your personal piece of nature. No matter how little outdoor space you own, you can create something rich with wildlife and tall plants.


Carol Trehearn
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