LinkedIn is one of the most popular social networks in the world. Due to this, many Nigerians think that LinkedIn is only for professionals which is actually wrong. Fine, it is for professionals but any young and ambitious student who is looking to network and reach out to persons in their industry should belong to this professional network. So, why should students use LinkedIn? We gather five reasons.
Allow People To Know Who You Are
Since you are not yet out of school, it may be difficult for you to meet people in your network or connect with a potential partner. LinkedIn gives you unhindered access. You simply create a profile and add people who are related to your career path or what you are studying. They can even hire you after graduation.
Grow Your Network
With LinkedIn, you can easily grow your network. You can start with your school colleagues, lecturers and even alumni of your school. These individuals will come handy when you are job hunting in a country like Nigeria where job opportunities are limited.
Access To Industry Leaders
Many of these thought leaders are difficult to connect especially when you attend a seminar. But LinkedIn gives you prospects to learn from business leaders who are well ahead of you. You can even be lucky they may respond to your inquiries. On key point to achieve this is to use a professional picture.
Stay Ahead Of Others
Rather than building your network when you graduate, LinkedIn is the perfect place to start from. You will be different from others who may run after these leaders when they graduate. With the relationship you have built on LinkedIn, you can use to your advantage to get freelance jobs and perhaps get you employed.
Know To Prospective Employers
Besides having an online presence, potential employers will know you. it is advised that you should make your profile attractive to these potentials employers.