A Guide to Building and Nurturing Strong Healthy Bones — 3 Top Helpful Ways


Striving to nurture and build healthy and strong bones is essential to help one avoid osteoporosis which is a condition where a person has a low bone mass, leading to skeletal problems. Once you attain the age of 30, your bone mass can no longer increase. Throughout your body’s development from childhood to your early adulthood stages, essential bone nutrients and minerals tend to be assimilated into your bone marrow system.

If within that time your body has not developed adequate bone mass to support your body weight then the chances are you may suffer from an increased risk of fragile and weak bones which may be susceptible to breaking easily.

However, by choosing to make and observe healthy lifestyle choices and sticking to meal plans that entail high bone nutrition value. You may have a chance at building strong and healthy bones that can maintain your body weight even as you age.

Ways You Can Build and Nurture Strong and Healthy Bones

  1. Consume A lot of Vegetables. Veggies are one of the top sources of vitamin C, which is key for the fabrication of bone cells. Vegetables also help increase one’s bone density, which in a nutshell means the quantity of calcium and essential minerals contained within your bones.

Additionally, vegetables and fruits also possess antioxidant properties and effects which can help to guard your bones against damage. Apart from eating yellow and green vegetables, which are known to increase a person’s bone mineralization, you may also supplement your bone mass by consuming essential vitamins from levelupnutrition.com.

  1. Carry Out Weight-Bearing and Strength Training Exercises. Performing weight-bearing exercises can play a vital role in helping you to develop and maintain healthy, strong bones.

Participating in high impact exercises can help develop the generation of new bones in your body, which may ultimately lead to you having an increased bone mass.

guide-to-building-and-nurturing-strong-healthy-bonesPhoto: Emily Sea/Unsplash

In addition to helping older adults prevent bone loss, it has been shown that high impact exercises can also help children that are suffering from type 1 diabetes boost their bone growth rate  – at a time when the bone growth rate is known to be at its peak.

Studies have also indicated that men and women that regularly performed weight-bearing exercises tended to have a higher amount of mineral density contained in their bones. Older adults were also noted to have an increased bone size and strength while benefiting from reduced bone inflammation and turnover.

  1. Eat Adequate Protein. Ensuring that you include foods that are rich in protein in your diet is key for the development of healthy and strong bones.

You may be surprised to know that your bones are essentially made up of 50% protein.

Thus, it’s important to eat foods that are rich in proteins, as studies have indicated that people who have a low protein intake tend to suffer from a decrease in calcium absorption levels which inhibit bone breakdown and formation rates.


Carol Trehearn
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