How To Improve Fleet Driver Safety


Your staff members are your business’s biggest asset, which is why you should aim to protect them at all costs. Given how dangerous the open road can be at times, this is especially important if you operate a driving workforce. Whenever they set off in your company vehicles, your drivers could be liable to encounter all manner of potential problems. Fortunately, most of these issues can be prevented and avoided, but only if you take the right precautions…

Here are three things you can do to improve your fleet driver safety:

Invest in a collision-avoidance system

No matter what lengths you go to in training your drivers and maintaining your vehicles, problems could still arise out there on the open road at any second. All manner of potential hazards (other drivers, treacherous weather conditions, poor visibility, etc.) could be waiting around the corner at all conceivable points, which is why it’s highly recommended that you invest in a collision-avoidance system. As stated at, this technological solution will help to safeguard your fleet operation simply because it will provide your drivers with lane departure warnings. This will help them remain aware of the potential dangers that surround them, which will aid them in their attempt to protect themselves, the products they are transporting, and the company vehicles that they are operating.

Create a driver safety policy

If you want your driving workforce to embrace your vision for fleet safety, it’s highly recommended that you take the time to create a driver safety policy. This will officially establish your expectations in this instance, which in turn will increase the likelihood of everybody taking your wishes and commands seriously.

There are a number of things that you should incorporate into your driver safety policy, one of the most important being a ‘No Distracted Driving’ pledge. Once your drivers commit to this type of agreement, they will better understand the importance of remaining completely focused while operating your fleet vehicles. What’s more, this pledge will make them aware of the consequences they could potentially face for being distracted.

Maintain your vehicles

Your drivers might be incredibly diligent and focused, but their safety will still be called into question if you fail to properly maintain your vehicles. Therefore, ensuring that your fleet vehicles remain in tip-top condition is paramount, which is why you are advised to heed the following advice…

Here are eight vehicle maintenance tips that will keep your fleet operating at maximum capacity:

1. Ensure vehicle oil level sits between the minimum and maximum mark

2. Change vehicle batteries every three years (or earlier if you ever encounter problems)

3. Stay on top of vehicle servicing requirements

4. Employ a fleet inspector and invest in a fleet management software solution

5. Collect regular driver reports

6. Inspect your tires periodically

7. Keep vehicle cooling system topped up

8. When not used for a sustained period, be sure to check vehicle exhaust for leaks, excessive amounts of smoke, and unusual noises.

Serious about improving your fleet driver safety program? If so, be sure to put the advice and guidance listed above into practice.


Carol Trehearn
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